Should we encourage other forms of play for your sons who only want to play with cars? This question confused a mother and her original question” My 4 year old son only wants to play with cars, he soon tires of other activities and other toys. He has a range including dinosaurs, cooking sets and food and lots of puzzles and books. He will choose a book to read with me but usually once read will go back to his car collection. Should I encourage other forms of play or leave him to it? Do you think if I am to encourage then what should I be doing?” Just try our track racing cars with blocks.

It is great if your son prefers to play with his car, in my mind, there is no need to worry that he will have a limited range of interests, and it is completely normal for a child of his age. However, there are ways you can do it if you really hope to encourage him to widen his experience.
One of the most effective ways is “modeling “ play to him. What does it mean? You play with the toys on your own at somewhere he can see you, but you don’t ask him to watch or try to engage him to join in, just get down on the floor near him whilst he is playing and begin to play with something different.

At this moment, he might also ignore you but will hear or see what you are doing and you are showing him how to play with other toys. Maybe he will find that it is also fun and might come over to join you or attend to what you are doing if he don’t come to you.
Another way to encourage play with other toys is to introduce his car to other play situations. For example, CYD track racing cars combine with different kinds of building blocks together. For one thing, your son has access to his cars and bricks set bring him more fun and interests. All items are DIY you can construct different shape as imagine.
From our track racing cars building block, your son will totally involved in his cars as well as building construction. Contact us for more details of bricks track building construction play sets.
Contact us now to know more about our goods.Happy playing