How to sort out educational toys for kids after buy-buy-buy? Every time my daughters see something on television that they would like, instead of shouting “I want that!” they say “Can I put that on my list?” My girl is five years old and she believes me. They cannot remember which ones go on the list and which ones not.
Must we give in to every ad telling us our child will be deprived if they don’t have the newest and the best? I know this year I am rethinking what my children will receive from my husband and myself and these are the steps that I’m following:
I am going to go through all the children’s toys and separate them into these categories:
- Broken or missing pieces
- Has been outgrown but is still in good condition to donate to a charity
- Keep in the storage space for my grandchildren (!)
- Still popular and stimulating
I will also keep a large garbage bag by my side and be merciless at what I throw out. My children have so much that they have never asked me where anything is after I’ve thrown it away.
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